An Old Medicine for the New Age
Cannabis has been used by many cultures throughout the ages for a variety of purposes.
Hemp has been used for paper, rope, clothing, food, oil, fuel, sealant and medicine.
Hemp has been found to be very beneficial to mankind for it's overall usefulness.
One of the greatest uses this plant exhibits is it's wide range of medical benefits.
Marijuana is among one of the oldest medicines known to mankind, possibly one of the earliest plants to have been cultivated.The wide use of hemp was such a non issue throughout the recorded history of mankind that the only mention of it in the bible was in the context of herbs, rope,
pitch, sails, sack cloth and parchment.After thousands of years and millions upon millions of users
This fact alone should put marijuana into the food category except for it's excellent use as a medicine.
Below is a list of diseases where the use of marijuana has been found to be very beneficial.
This list is supplied from information gathered from case studies conducted by research physicians from theHarvard Medical School
Aids & Cancer
Alcohol Addiction
BiPolar disordersCrohns disease
Chronic PainDepression
Heroin Addiction
Nicotine Addiction
Post Polio Syndrome
Sexual disorders
Spastic colon
Spastic Paraplegia
Spinal InjuryThe patients who volunteered information for this medical marijuana research project were daily long term marijuana users. The conventional medicines used to treat the symptoms of these diseases were often times not as effective and much more harmful than marijuana. Some of the negative side effects from the conventional drug treatments could actually be extremely harmful and disabling if not fatal.
Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine
As you look at the growing number of diseases that respond favorably to medical marijuana, it is without a doubt a very beneficial medicine.
Marijuana "Nazi's" (prohibitionists) turn a deaf ear to the countless number of lives that has been destroyed because of Marijuana prohibition.
Their profits from marijuana prohibition is all that matters to them
There's no safe alternative to replacing Mother Nature
"We are part of the world around us, the further we remove ourselves
from nature the sicker we become." by Eagle Wings
Herbal medicine has long been known to be a much gentler approach to healing than many of the conventional medicines that have been altered, concentrated, compounded and manufactured by the pharmaceutical industries of today. At one time all medicines were made from natural herbs and minerals. Herbs are natures medicine and are much easier for the body to use without all the negative side effects.Alternative approaches to healing have long been ignored and often criticized by the medical profession. They were labeled as a hoax or in-effective, yet even today most medicines that are manufactured, the main active ingredients are still derived from herbs. These genetically altered, concentrated, synthetic, compounded, equivalents of these herbal medicines have negative side effects that too often out weigh the medical benefits.
Check out this latest report Synthetic marijuana drug easies painAfter more than 60 years of blatant lies and propaganda promoted by the pharmaceuducal industry, herbal medicine and alternative healing are finally begin-
ning to be recognized and given their rightful place in the field of medicine as a valid approach to healingThe drug companies are still battling to keep herbs off the market, not because of their dangers but because of the danger of rivalry. They want the labeling altered, eliminating the information concerning the herbs usefulness. This is a means of keeping the average consumer in the dark and dependent upon the medical profession. This is their assurance that their drugs are the one's sold.
Herbal medicine is cheaper, gentler, safer and effective without many of the negative side effects that is found in manufactured drugs. Herbal medicines are
sold over the counter without a prescription. It is necessary to educate yourself to
their use or find an herbalist who can advice you. Some medications can counter act with different herbal medicines the same as some of the perscription drugs can counter other drugs. Each year appox 150,000 people in the US die from prescription drug interaction.
Herbal medicine is seen as a threat to the power the drug companies have in the United States and the world. US drug companies supply 50% of all the medicine sold through out the world and produce all medicine sold in the United States. They charge other countries A FRACTION OF THE PRICE for their drugs than what is charged in the US for the same drug made by the same company. Only one drug in EVERY 5000 is every developed, not because the others are ineffective or more dangerous but because of profit margin.
ARE SOLD IN THE US AND 50% OF THE WORLD MARKET.It is is not within their best interest to legalize an herb if they can't make a huge profit from it, especially if it rivals one of their more expensive drugs.
The most ridiculous statements made by politicains who oppose legalizing medical marijuana is on the basis that not enough research has been done on the medical benefits of marijuana, this statement is false and very misleading. NO OTHER drug has been researched and studied for as many years or to the extent as marijuana.
The drug companies have known about the medical benefits of marijuana for at least the past 3 decades, that is how they were legally allowed to manufacture and distribute the THC drug Marinol. The problem with Marinol however is that instead of it having a soothing effect on the stomach and increasing the appetite of cancer patients undergoing chemo therapy, in many cases it did just the opposite, causing dizziness, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. It's very hard to swallow a pill and keep it down if it's already difficult to swallow water without vomiting.Millions upon millions of tax payer dollars in the form of government research grants
were literally wasted by the drug companies in their quest to develope a pill that ended up being medically inferior to the natural herb. Of course the drug companies are never going to give marijuana a pass because marijuana would compete with their more expensive drugs. Most of the unfavorable marijuana research reports were conducted by the same drug companies that don't want to have to compete with a weed that is too easily grown, superior to their manufactured product with far less negative side effects.As to the claim that smoking marijuana is hazardous to the lungs and therefore should not be legalized, this too is a false statement, marijuana has actually been found to be beneficial. The smoke from marijuana is not as hazardous as the smoke from the exhaust pipes on automobiles and the combustion engine certainly isn't prohibited.
It seems that the medical profession really does need to get back to their grassroots since they seem to have forgotten that herbs can easily be brewed and made into teas, they don't have to be smoked. The Native Americans have used different blends of herbal teas as medicines for thousands of years. Teas made from herbs are the oldest forms of medicine known to man.
mothers against mis-use and abuse
USA's War On Drugs (A Nation Ravaged by Civil War)
The War On Drugs has been the longest, most costly war this nation has every been engaged in. After all these years and billions upon billions of dollars wasted, we are no closer to reducing drug abuse and mis-use in the US than we were before the War. Statistics clearly point out that the rate of drug abuse and mis-use has actually increased.
A nation torn by civil war becomes a breeding ground for crime and violence. We don't have to leave our communities and travel to distant lands in order to become the victim of a snipers bullet. The battle grounds are in every city and within every community throughout the US. After awhile any nation caught up in the ravages of war are soon reduced to poverty, crime, oppression, turmoil and violence. The USA law makers seem to have forgotten the results of alcohol prohibition and the way creating a black market caused violence and crime to spiral completely out of control, reaching it's ugly tentacles all the way up to the top branches of government corrupting state and local politicians and police depts nation wide
There are no winner's in this drug war only casualities.
Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence
Marijuana Medical Handbook: A Guide to Therapeutic Use
Drug War 101: America's War at Home
DRCNet: The Drug Reform Coordination Network
MPP: Marijuana Policy Project
High Times Greatest Hits; Twenty Years of Smoke in Your Face