My Favorite
Memberships, Associations
and Organizations
Below is a list of some of the organizations I am affiliated with and
actively support
Please scroll through the list and check out my favorite clubs and
International Association of Counselors and Therapists
Charter Member - Behavior Online - A network of professionals
Mental Health Net
Habitat for Humanity - P.O Box 1167 - Americus, GA 31709-9951
New Civilizations Network
The Interfaith Alliance 1012 14th St N W. Suite 700 -Washington, D.C. 20005
Charter Member - Tennessee Chapter of "The Trail of Tears Association"
Charter Member National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution P.O. Box 96836, Washington, D.C 20090
People For The American Way P.O. Box 96200 - Washington, D.C. 20077
Little Sioux -St Francis Indian Mission - P.O. Box 149, St Francis,
So. Dakota 57572-0149
MAMA's Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse
2255 State Road, Mosier, Oregon 97040
MPP Marijuana Policy Project
P.O. Box 77492, Capital Hill, Washington, D.C. 20012
DRC Drug Reform Coliation
Charter Member Rails to Trails
1100 17th Street, N.W. 10th Floor, Washington, DC
The Nature Conservancy
4245 North Fairdax Drive Suite 100 Arlington, Virgina 22203
National Wildlife Federation 8925 Leesburge Pike, Vienna, Virgina 22184
of Wildlife
P.O. Box 96981
Washington, D.C. 20077-7225
The Wilderness Society 900 17th St, N.W. Washington DC 20006
National Park Trust 414 2nd Street, NE Suite 210, Washington DC 20002
American Civil Liberties Union 125 St 18th FL New York, NY 10004
Click Here to take action
Public Citizen P.O. Box 96979 Washington, D.C. 200077-7545
National Wildlife Federation
Sierra Club P.O. Box 52968 Boulder, CO 80321-2968
Amnesty Intl. USA P.O. Box 98234 Washington, D.C.
Charter Member " Metaphysical Research Association of St Louis, MO"
Member of "Unity Church of South St Louis, MO"
Member of "Calvin Memorial Methodist Church of St Louis, MO"
Member of "First Christian Church of Washington, MO"
Member of the, "Southern Poverty Law Center"
In loving memory of my husband, 'Jesse L Hodge' and
all Viet Nam Veterans
Please visit my Veterans Memorial Web Site Comming Soon
If the policians and Generals had to fight
in these battles
there wouldn't be any wars.
Corporations that profit off of war, don't
want peace!
There's no glory in battle, only sorrow.